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Members participate.

More than just formalities.

Every spring, IAV members come together at the annual general meeting to hear about developments in the association, discuss the budget and vote on the due’s regulations. Every two years, the election of the steering committee and Advisory Board is also on the agenda. Each member company has one vote.

But it is not just a matter of internal association regulations. We want to connect people. The general meeting is always followed by an interesting lecture, which is attended not only by our members but also by cooperation partners and guests from politics, administration and education. The top-class speakers of the last years: the former German Bundestag president Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, the journalist, author and media entrepreneur Gabor Steingart or former Federal President Joachim Gauck. The focus is on current social or political topics, such as “Democracy needs democrats – challenges for the state and civil society” or “The media revolution – how digitisation is changing our lives and our political system.”



Violeta Lüttig

Phone: 0541 77068-33